VR Experiences #1: Oculus Rift

November 01, 2013

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The 80's childs are familiar with virtual reality term. we seen this subject in the action at johnny mnemonic, the lawnmowerman etc.
if you're not living in a cave, probably should know the http://www.oculusvr.com/ target=_blank>oculus rift. it was a http://www.kickstarter.com/ target=_blank>kickstarter campaign about a simple vr helmet (hmd) project and also succeeded. its currently in development stage. price is 300$ but you need at least ~650$ including shipment, customs etc. if you're staying in europe.
Today, i experienced it about five minutes in somewhere and decided to write first impressions which memories are still fresh.
Pros - It can provide exact virtual room feeling with built-in gyros. your brain will adopt new visual input source in few seconds. - Completely plug & play. no detailed configuration needed. - Image quality not good for still pictures but enough for a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-person_shooter target=_blank>fps simulation.
- Good price.
Cons - You can clearly see pixels, that's annoying. - User can only see 60 percent area of 21cm (4 inch) screen from 3-4cm distance. rest of screen area wasted. - built from cheap plastic, not designed for long life usage. - lenses are easily vaporizing by your own breath and blocking vision after few minutes later. - I know its development version but still too big for human head.. - All games should render two copies of scene in splitscreen. that means high usage of system resources. - Causes headache and dizziness in 3d sbs games after 10 minutes of gameplay. - Material is not hygienic, probably it will cause bacterial infections in long-term use.
actually its a stereoscopic viewer with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspheric_lens target=_blank>aspheric lenses. all trick turning around splitscreen special games and third party extensions such as https://www.tridef.com target=_blank>tridef. if interested with its technical part, https://twitter.com/rfurlan target=_blank>this guy was created a exact clone of oculus and shared details on http://bitcortex.com/oculus-libre-open-source-hmd-inspired-by-oculus-rift/ target=_blank>his blog

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