New gadget on desktop: Air Quality Sensor

July 25, 2014

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 past year i was working with a material named target=_blank> methyl methacrylate (aka acrylic glass) its strong, transparent and easy to bend. best component to create cases for electronic prototypes. while working, burned a piece from that, applied glue and burned again with solder iron to clean up splinters. probably that's caused a chemical reaction and exthausted a harmful gas. i aware that after 20 seconds but its too late for my lungs.


 it wasn't a serious damage but i stayed in hospital for one night. after that accident i researched about an air analyzer gadget like r.r.t.s equipment in target=_blank>doom movie. finally discovered target=_blank>MQ gas sensors which manufactured by an east-land company named HANWEI.
 purchased MQ5 and MQ9 for testing purposes and found incredibly sensitive which can be used at industrial level. MQ9 sensitive for waste gases like CO/CO2 and MQ5 can detect combustible gases such as propane/butane.
 mentioned on previous entries, i already have a talking (in turkish ofcourse smile.gif) digital assistant named judith. she's serving me since 5 years and can provide visual & audible notifications based on internal variables. eg. battery level drops below 50 percent or memory usage higher than 90 percent etc. today i developed another application to gather data from arduino and send to her.
 first, tested it with a deodorant which is seen in video. after 36~48 hrs of work, both of sensors become very sensitive even detects human fart (including silent ones biggrin.gif) also product datasheet verifies that by calling it as internal burn-in time two week later i discovered a fact, usual raw value of mq9 sensor is around 200~250 but its dropping to 150 at each morning and weekends. streets are empty in these hours, my opinion diesel car exthaust causes carbon contamination in district and it detects them. if this kind of a gadget exists on market, peoples can barely see side effects of liquid fuels.
 we're fucking up the planet earth, this is the another fact.

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